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Looking for healing, direction, or a renewed sense of purpose?

Take a deep breath. You're in the right place.


Regenerate & Restoration

As life happens to us and with us, our bodies sometimes lose vitality, health and energy. Using Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (BEST), Julie will work with your body to release hidden beliefs that keep you stuck, release emotions and thoughts passed through generations that are not beneficial to your life today, and reprogram your unconscious brain to support the healthy life you desire.

Each session is individualized and may contain any of the following:


  • clear mental "blocks" that keep you stuck

  • identify unhealthy patterns

  • release & clear emotions that create dis-ease

  • reprogram epigenetics

  • reprogram outdated belief systems (BS)


Let’s go where your Soul thrives!

If you have ever been abused or experienced trauma of any kind, there are emotions stuck in different parts of your body that need to be released so you can be emotionally, physically, and spiritually restored. Julie has many tools and is exceptionally gifted at finding these emotions and releasing them with your help. While these sessions can be emotional, they provide the needed catharsis and release so you can heal. As part of the release, healing and restoration, Julie will work with you to program your unconscious mind with BEST to help create the life you desire. Most times abuse and trauma are layered in the the physical/emotional body and it may take several sessions to unwind all of it. Let Julie join you on your journey to guide and support you through this process.


Trauma Release


Body Mind Reboot

Work with Julie during this 30 minute session as part of your wellness journey. Is relaxation what you desire? Maybe you want more physical energy? Maybe you need to learn to breathe a bit more deeply. Work with Julie in these shorter sessions to bring clarity, peace, and a sense of vitality back into your life, your body...your Soul. 


Wellness Reboot & Coaching

These 90 minute sessions are designed to dive deep into whatever you need to work on. We will spend the first part of the session talking about your concerns and what you would like to accomplish. Through conversation, Julie will begin to understand what work needs to be done. There will be a clearing session using BEST which will reprogram the unconscious mind to support you. If needed, there will be a visualization component as well. Julie will then offer suggestions for moving forward as well as growth work to help you along your journey. 

Change is good for everyone. It keeps you growing, stretching, expanding and ever evolving. Change helps move you beyond your perceived boundaries and limitations. Change can also be the catalyst in moving you toward the life you desire.  However, change can also be a place where you feel stuck and unsure of what the next step should be. Working together  Julie will help you define where you are stuck as well as the thought patterns prevent you from shifting with the change. Julie will help reprogram your unconscious thoughts with BEST and provide new thoughts and help you create a new mindset that will assist you as you continue to navigate through change.  Change isn’t always easy but it is necessary!



Change & Evolution Coaching

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Energy Center pdf.

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